Here's a recipe for a yummy Lebanese omelet! It's made with eggs, parsley, and grated zucchini. This meatless dish can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! It's also delicious with pita bread and radishes.


2 medium sized zucchinis grated (2 cups of hallowed out zucchini insides)
1 cup chopped parsley
1 small finely diced onion (as fine as you can get it) or half of a medium one
4 eggs
2 pinches of pepper
1 teaspoon of salt
Olive oil


1. Grate zucchini by using a cheese grater

2. Combine all ingredients (except egg) into bowl

3. In a separate bowl, beat eggs and add to mixture and mix all together

4. Prepare a plate covered with paper towels to place ejjeh after it's removed from the skillet (this will help soak up the excess oil)

5. In heated skillet, add 4 tablespoons of olive oil (may need more as you fry)

6. Once oil is heated, add 1/4 cup of mixture to oil and cook like an omelet, wait until bottom is cooked and then flip it over (around 3 minutes each side)

7. When cooked, add to plate and serve with pita!


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