Ingredients - Green Bean Stew:

1 lb (500g) fresh green string beans
1 lb (500g) stewing meat, cubed (Beef or Lamb)
several meat bones
1 ½ cups onions, chopped
½ cup ghee or substitute
1½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon mixed spices
2 tablespoons tomato paste blended with 2 ½ cups water
2 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon ground coriander

Preparation - Green Bean Stew:

1 String the beans. Slice down the centre or leave whole.

2 Lightly brown the meat, bones and onions in the ghee, using the pot in which the stew is to be cooked. Mix in the beans and fry for a few minutes. Add the salt, pepper and mixed spices, then pour in the tomato paste or soup diluted with water.

3 Bring to the boil, cover and simmer slowly until the meat is very tender.

4 Crush the garlic with a pinch of salt and fry with the coriander in a little ghee until the garlic smells sweet. Stir this mixture into the cooking stew.

5 Serve with Rice Pilaf or Bur’ghul Pilaf.

You may substitute peas for beans to make green Pea Stew.

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